Evidence-based Strategies - Examples, Research and Tools
Strategy j: Teach study skills while recognizing learning strategies students already have.
The Discovery Business Guide to Effectively Learning and Studying--Techniques and Methods
Dennis Masino and Jackie Giuliano
A compilation of strategies and tools for getting the most out of the time you spend reading and note-taking.
Five Steps To Great Study Skills
Erin McNally
A handout to remind ESOL students how to study effectively.
Study Habits Interview
Susan Ritter
A simple peer interview tool to raise ESOL student awareness of good study habits.
Study Skills Websites
Three websites that offer tips and activities to built study skills and strategies:
Sumner Self Study Survey
Trudy Martin
This tool surveys students’ past self-study practices and asks what kinds of self-study activities might work if they need to stop out.
Time and Place to Study
This video illustrates strategies for mentoring and motivating first generation college students to find places and time to engage in their learning. Strategies include identifying barriers, resources available, and locations for studying. |