Evidence-based Strategies - Examples, Research and Tools
Strategy m: Introduce relaxation and self-care techniques into classroom practice.
Building Community and Skills through Multilevel Classes
Judy Hofer and Pat Larson
Contrary to the current movement away from mixed levels, this program finds that multilevel classes better reflect the diversity of the world in which adults function and communicates to students that they all have strengths and can learn from one another. The authors illustrate that building connections and community helps students work across differences to hear a range of perspectives and collaboratively solve problems.
Loves Herself Regardless
Silja Kallenbach
Project Hope aims to address its homeless students’ sense of self-worth and confidence by creating a comfortable, beautiful learning space and by engaging the women in a variety of self-care activities that reinforce the message that they matter.
A Mind/Body/Learning Approach to Counseling: Helping Students Handle Stress
Marjorie Jacobs
In an effort to address the counseling and academic needs of students, this program instituted a health education class focused on reducing and managing stress. In the first three years that the class was offered, all of its GED students passed their tests and continued attending until the semester’s end.
Reflections on the Women, Violence, and Adult Education Project
Elizabeth Morrish
This report on a project addressing the impact of violence on learning describes strategies for creating a safe learning environment and for helping women take care of themselves. Outcomes included increased attendance and participation, and the women feeling more positively about themselves.