program design & management
Evidence-based Strategies - Examples, Research and Tools
Strategy i: Work with external partners to align policies and procedures in ways that will help learners persist along cross-program learning pathways.
Adult Education Partnership Profiles
Community Partnerships for Adult Learning
This site contains rich descriptions of twelve community partnerships between adult education providers and a host of other agencies.
Jefferson County Public Schools Adult and Continuing Education and Its Partners in Louisville, Kentucky
Community Partnerships for Adult Learning
This brief describes the extensive partnerships with unions, libraries, colleges, workforce development agencies, etc. developed by Jefferson County Public Schools Adult and Continuing Education, and why they work.
Wrap Around Services
Janie Mendoza for National College Transition Network
This promising practice brief describes the Capital IDEA program’s approach to comprehensive support services including career counseling. They attribute their ability to provide these services to their strong and extensive partnerships with businesses, churches, human service providers, and other community and education organizations.