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Counseling & Support

Evidence-based strategies

a. Assess and address learning difficulties, including vision and hearing screenings, trauma, addiction and other mental health issues.  See related Examples, Research and Tools.

b. Have a system for identifying students’ needs for support services; determine which needs the program is equipped to address and which cases should be referred to other agencies; document counseling activities and referrals; and follow up on each case. See related Examples, Research and Tools.

c. Promote a support network within the program where staff, volunteers, or peer mentors make personal connections with specific students on a regular basis. See related Examples, Research and Tools.

d. Discuss students’ persistence, learning and aspirations. Continue the process of exploring and articulating long and short-term goals, and of  monitoring a learning plan that addresses instructional and support services that move them toward their goals. See related Examples, Research and Tools.

e. Establish learning plans for those who may stop out and help them find suitable ways to re-engage in learning until they reach their goals, including offering distance learning options. See related Examples, Research and Tools.

f. Implement a formal system for staying in contact with and supporting the continuous learning of students, especially those who are absent or stopping out. See related Examples, Research and Tools.

g. Establish a system of providing support to students who are close to graduating or meeting their goals, and those who seem at risk of dropping out. See related Examples, Research and Tools.

h. Provide or arrange for student transportation to and from the program (e.g.  car pools, van service) and advocate for improved public transportation. See related Examples, Research and Tools.

i. Arrange workshops and support groups on topics of concern to students, such as health and nutrition, violence and trauma, immigration policy, and stress management.

j. Include students’ family and friends in program activities. See related Examples, Research and Tools.

k. Help adults develop career aspirations and make informed choices about careers and further education and training. See related Examples, Research and Tools.