Cynthia Peters has been the editor of The Change Agent since June 2007. Her focus at The Change Agent is to create a magazine that teaches reading, writing, math, and critical thinking in the context of social issues that are relevant to adult learners. To further support classroom learning, Cynthia has aligned the lessons and extensions in the magazine with the College and Career Readiness Standards. She presents at national and state adult education conferences on a variety of topics, including persistence, civic participation, math, digital literacy, and using socially relevant materials that are aligned with the College and Career Readiness Standards. From 2013-15, she taught the online persistence course for World Education. She currently teaches ESOL in a workplace-based program in Boston, and since 2002 has taught a wide range of adult education classes, including ABE, GED, Bridge to College, and the Adult Diploma Program.

Cynthia Peters
Change Agent Editor and Production Coordinator