Latest Past Events

Equipped for the Elections: Media Literacy and Voting | Part 2: Get Out the Adult Education Vote!

Join us for a non-partisan, two-part webinar series hosted by World Education and the National Coalition for Literacy with support from the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC), the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA), the Open Door Collective (ODC), ProLiteracy, and TESOL International Association. Part 1: Building Media Literacy in an Election Year -- […]

Equipped for the Elections: Media Literacy and Voting | Part 1: Building Media Literacy in an Election Year

Join us for a non-partisan, two-part webinar series hosted by World Education and the National Coalition for Literacy with support from the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC), the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA), the Open Door Collective (ODC), ProLiteracy, and TESOL International Association. Part 1: Building Media Literacy in an Election Year -- […]

Digital Adult Training and Development Network (ATDN) TechCast

The integration of technology has revolutionized professional development resources, enhancing sessions with layers of additional content, including links to articles, websites, and notably, other presentations that used to be only available in person. Recorded sessions offer a dual advantage: they enable participants to revisit previously shared strategies and provide access to missed sessions. With the […]